

I found out that Megan has cancer. She is my family's dog that we got when I was in about 9th grade. She is 11 years old and so Mom and Dad don't really want to put her through a surgery. Right now the cancer hasn't spread to other parts of her body, but it will eventually. Mom is giving her vitamins to hopefully ward it off from spreading too fast, too quickly. I asked if they were going to put her down in the near future to prevent suffering, etc and she said that right now she seems to be doing fine and doesn't appear to be in any pain. How is it that animals can become so close to our hearts? It is such a strange thing. Even though I don't see her as much any more.. she is still so close to my heart and I will miss her SO much when she is no longer with us.

1 comment:

Marta said...

I'm so sorry to hear this! Ricky's family recently lost a family dog. It is a very sad thing. :(